As you may know, students and staff have advocated for renaming of Wilson High School for many years. Following the protests caused by the murder of George Floyd this spring, these efforts finally came to fruition, and thus began the formation of a formal name change process. This June, an online petition created by students and staff gathered nearly 6000 signatures, and comments from students and teachers alike during the June PPS board meeting were met with positive acknowledgement, imploring action to visibly dismantle racism by sanctioning a school name change. The day following the board meeting, a group of students, teachers, parents, and site council members met informally to begin looking at the PPS administrative directive regarding the formal name change process. The goal of this informal committee was to create a replicable structure in compliance with the PPS administrative directive. Members of this committee created an application process to select members for a formal committee as per the directive. Sixty students and sixty adults applied for sixteen total slots (eight students and eight adults to include the principal and a PPS assigned staff person) to be on the official renaming committee. The eight students were then selected anonymously by the site council, and said students voted for the eight adults anonymously. Currently, the committee meets weekly in an effort to create a non-biased, transparent, and ethical process to choose a new school name.